Knitting Knerd

Monday, October 06, 2008

Jim's first pair of Anniversary Socks are finished.

Originally uploaded by missizii
The first 80% of this project was a lot of fun. The last 20% sucked. There are 6 repeats of the cable pattern around the ankle. Whereas on the foot, there's just 3 repeats on the top of the sock, and plain stockinette on the sole. So the cuff, even though it is significantly shorter than the foot, seems to take about three times as long. And these are toe-up socks, so the slow part is the last part to finish. So those last 45 rows were the very longest part of this project. According to this blog and Ravelry, everything but the ankle of the second sock took 3 weeks. And the ankle of the second sock (about 45 rows) took 3 weeks.

Jim is very happy to have his socks, I think. He wants something equally as complicated for his second pair of anniversary socks, but I'm trying to talk him down. Maybe the second pair of anniversary socks will coincide with Christmas. I have two baby showers (for the same darling baby) between now and the beginning of November. Add in Christmas presents, and I'm rather unsure of the second pair of anniversary socks.

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