Knitting Knerd

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Log Cabin Baby Blanket

Log Cabin Baby Blanket
Originally uploaded by missizii
More progress on the Log Cabin Baby blanket. Getting lots of knitting done is easy when you're marooned on the couch in a cast. After this strip and its neighbor, the blanket will be 24 inches x 24 inches. My goal is 48 inches square, which is 11 strips on each side. Right now I'm working on my fifth strip. So I have 6 strips per side (or 24 strips) left to knit.

I have a personal goal of having this done for knitting guild in a week and a half, so I can show it off for show-and-tell. The more important goal of having it done in time for the baby shower is much easier to hit, of course. I have over a month until the baby shower. The prospective mother and father are coming over for dinner this week, along with some other friends. I wonder if I should show them the work-in-progress?

A good soul on Ravelry sold me 1.5 skeins of Willow, so I now have all the yarn I need to complete the blanket. I am so happy about this.



  • I'd keep it a surprise- think of their faces when you show them the finished product!

    By Blogger Noneofyourbusiness., at 6:04 PM  

  • The blanket is looking great!! I love BSA organic cotton, it's sooo soft. Just saw your post about your leg, I'm so sorry! That sucks!! It's good for knitting, sure, but I hope it heals quickly anyhow so you can get up and moving again.

    Thank you for the comment on my shirt- it's a shell at the moment because I haven't decided what to do for sleeves yet :) I can write up a pattern guide, but I'm not sure about the actual pattern. I'll have to look into copyright issues, since the green stitch pattern is from the Vogue Stitchionary- if all's good and I can test-knit it from the pattern before putting it up, I will post it :)

    By Blogger Alicia Aarnio, at 2:59 PM  

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